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Perfect Health - Class 2 of 5 Class Ayurvedic Series

  • 415 North Higgins Avenue Missoula, MT, 59802 United States (map)

Join us in welcoming our guest Becca LaPole to the Missoula community! Owner of Soak it Up Healing in Homosassa, Florida, Becca is also a Chopra-certified Wellbeing Coach, Ayurvedic Health, Yoga, and Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher.

Starting with Introduction to Ayurveda, this five class series will be your stepping stone into the world of this ancient practice. In this class, you'll learn about Ayurveda, the Science of Life, and how this personalized, preventative, and practical healing system can help you create health with simple tools and practices that you can integrate into your life right now. You'll also learn about the multidimensional nature of life, explore our mind-body constitutions (known as doshas), how they are connected with the elements of nature, and how to determine which doshas represent your personal essential nature.

Following that, we have Class 2: Ayurvedic Nutrition, where you will learn about how to create and maintain a healthy physiology by eating a variety of fresh, delicious foods, how to enhance digestion with herbs and spices, the six tastes present in the foods we eat and how to use them to balance the doshas, as well as how to include a variety of colors into the daily diet, and experience mindful eating.

Class 3: Emotional Freedom will cover topics of emotional wellbeing, happiness, our core emotional needs, the nature of emotions, the seven biological responses, conscious communication, the seven steps to clearing emotional pain, and provide tools to help you let go of emotional toxins that block the flow of energy and information throughout the bodymind so that you can experience your own infinite potential for health and wellbeing.

In Class 4: Inner Pharmacy, we'll introduce healing through the senses and exploring the healing power of sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell, and how to use specific sensory practices to balance each of the doshas, as well as explore the sense of humor - using laughter as medicine.

Lastly, Class 5: Ayurvedic Daily Routines will cover the topics of the rhythms of nature, the dosha clock and the characteristics of each dosha time period, creating an optimal daily routine, doshas and the seasons, seasonal routines, detoxification, restful sleep, mindful movement, and pranayama (or breathing exercises). You'll learn how to create a daily routine using a variety of Ayurvedic practices in your daily life, such as using a neti pot, nasya, tongue cleaning, and Abhyanga self-massage, to experience your full potential for health and wellbeing.

Each class will begin with a brief meditation, breathing exercise, or simple movement flow. Be prepared to learn and participate in a group setting! We only ask that you bring an open mind and a way to take notes if desired.

Please note that we are meeting in Suite 9 of the Bike & Type Building. Please register for the event at the link below.

May 13

Perfect Health - Class 1 of 5 Class Ayurvedic Series

June 4

Weekly Meditation Group